Everybody needs a little help here and there. Click on one of the subjects below to get answers to you questions.

If you don't find the answer you need please feel free to contact us at


  • Let us be your guide!!!!

    Watch this short tutorial of how to navigate and use the site. As always if you have any comments questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at


  • Do I need to set up an account to order?

    Yes! AccessPFS is only available to clients who have a PFS credit or cash account. If you do not have an account please click here to request an account. Once you have an account set up, you can sign up for AccessPFS here.

  • How do I change my email and password?

    To change your password simply select the "My Account" button at the top of the page and use the drop down menu to choose User Password. To change your email address please drop us a line at and we will make sure to update your user information as well as your account information. Forgot your password? Click here.

  • How do I view my orders?

    If you select the "My Account" link at the top right of the page and choose My Orders from the drop down. It will give you filtering and search options for your orders. This is also where you will be able to view the status and progress of your orders.

  • Where do I find my invoices, statements and PODs?

    If you select the "My Account" link at the top right of the page and choose My Documents from the drop down. It will give you filtering and search options for your invoices, statements and PODS. You will be able to view, download or print PDF copies for your records.

  • How do I make payments on my account or invoice payments?

    Currently our site is not set up to handle invoice and on account payments. This feature is in the WORKS and coming soon! Meanwhile you can still contact our credit department at or call them at 1-800-772-2706 Option 3. As always you can mail your payments to us at: PO Box 7558 Fort Worth, TX 76111.

  • I forgot my password ......womp womp

    No problem! Click here to request a password reset. Or if you prefer you can email us at and we can get you all set up as well.


  • How do I search for products?

    There are 2 ways to search. You can use the search bar at the top right of the page or you can use the navigation menus under "All Products". For items that have many options like: Tiles, Wall base and stair treads. We recommend using the site navigation menus. There you can choose the style, size, color, color pallet and options for the product you are searching for.

  • Where can I find Technical Data and Safety Data Sheets?

    To find these items you will need to search for the product you need this infomation for. Once you have that proudct you will click on it to go to the Product Details page. Here you will find Product information, SDS, TDS, Packaging and other product information.

  • What is a buying list?

    A buying list is a group of products of your choosing that you set up and can access from you My Accounts Area. This list has specific products and quantities and can be added directly to your shopping cart with out having to search the site for them. This is a great option if there are items that you order regularly. You can have as many lists as you want. These lists are specific to each user so if you have several users for your account they can all have different buying lists.

  • How do I create a buying list?

    There are 2 ways to create a buying list. The first way is to search the site and add all the products that you want in that buying list to your cart. Then select the "Add to buying list" button at the top right of the cart. The 2nd way to create a buying list is to make a text file with all the product numbers and quantities you wish to have on your list. Save this file to you computer. The from the My Accounts area, scroll down to the bottom of the page and select the " Upload TXT file" from the bottom of the page. This will bring up a box where you can name and save your txt file. The video below will show you in detail how easy it is to create a buying list.

  • How do I edit a buying list?

    There are 2 ways to edit a buying list. The first way is to add the buying list to your cart. Make your changes there and re-save it as the same name. The second way is to use a txt file and list out all the products and quantities you want to change, delete or add. Save it to your computer and upload it directly to the site using the "upload txt files" button at the bottom of the My Account area. The video below shows you how easy both of these methods are.

  • What if I need more information?

    Need more information? You can select the Manufacture tab at the top of the page. From there you can select the manufacture and it will direct you to thier site. You can also select the Ask A Question option from the Product Detail page. That will email us directly and we can get you the appropriate answers or get you to the person(S) who can give you the answer.

  • I can't find a product..

    If you can't find what you are looking for please use the Contact Us form and tell us as much about product you are looking for. You can also call your sales person or your local branch. We are staffed with wonderful people who are ready and willing to help you out!


  • How do I place an order?

    You can place orders by directly selecting your product from the Products Menu OR you can type into the search bar and find the product. Once you found what you are looking for select the add to cart button and that will start your shopping cart. Complete you cart all the way to the end and you will have placed your first order with us!.

  • Can I change my shipping address?

    While you are placing an order you can enter in a different ship to address. Once you enter in the address it will be saved in your Addresses tab in the My Account area. Here you can delete and edit them.

  • Can I pay for my order on AccessPFS?

    YES! You can pay for your order at the time of order entery with a credit card. More payment options are coming soon! Stay tuned.

  • How do I change or cancel my order?

    Once your order has been placed on AccessPFS you can not cancel or change it from the site. You can either call your local branch to have the changes made or you can email us at AccessPFS and we will make sure to update your order

  • How do I track my order?

    In the My Account area of your log in you can select the My Orders tab and this will list your orders. It will also list the status of your orders as well as show you the most recent order documents

  • What do these line statuses mean on my Order page?

    When you are on the My Orders tab in your My Account area, it lists out your orders as well as thier statuses. Here is what each of those statuses means.

    This means that you placed your order and it is in a suspended que waiting for a PFS associate to process the order.

    In Progress:
    This is the status for "working" orders. Either products are being ordered to fulfill the order, or it is being prepared for pick up or delivery.

    If your order shows completed that means that it was picked up at the branch or it was delivered to you location.

  • Can I acknowledge my order on line??

    Yes you can! In the My Account area of your log in you can select Orders to Approve from the drop down and this will list all of your orders that need to be acknowledged. Just click on the order number and select Convert to order and it is on it's way!!

  • Can I place an order to be picked up at a different branch?

    YES YOU CAN!! You are able to place Will Call orders for branches that are located in your region! You can also view available stock for these branches as well. Just select the product you are wanting and during the check our process when you choose " Will Call" you will then be able to select what branch you would like to pic it up from. Please check out the video below for the full "How To".

  • Connect With Us:

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